Breathtaking video from Sudan!
No need to wait any longer! Our latest trailer is here! Zsolt Sasdi, videographer, used a drone to take the...

Scuba Diving from the sky!
A fresh, hot-of-the-press video surprise had just arrived from Sudan…off the back of a bird. Yes, you heard it right!

Weekly best of Sudan 19-26 May, 2014
Port Sudan Andromeda reported: arrived back safely after a fantastic diving week! Our guests have been seeing plenty of hammerheads,...

Weekly best of Sudan 29.04 – 05.05. 2013
What an excellent week this has been! Our guides have gotten so used to the constant presence of large marine...

Weekly best of Sudan 13 – 20.04. 2013
Dolphins, sharks and no other boats last week in Sudan! We had an awesome week again with lovely people from...

Extra fun with our new xjoy scooter on Andromeda in Sudan
Extra fun with our new xjoy scooter on Andromeda in Sudan Watch more - http://www.youtube.com/user/cassiopeiasafari

Weekly best of Sudan 02 – 09. 03. 2013
Last week Poseidon showered us with his affections once again – sharks were winking back at us at every dive...

Video diary from Sudan, 09 – 23. 02. 2013
A perfect start in Sudan! We were pleasantly surprised at all shark sites! We counted 20 hammerheads at Angarosh, 1-2...

Video diary from Sudan, 19.05 – 26.05, 2012
We met up with grey reef sharks at Shaab Rumi above the south plateau, at Angarosh we counted 15-20 hammerheads,...

Video diary from Sudan, 12.05 – 19.05, 2012
This past week in Sudan has surpassed our previous expectations. We have never seen so many things all at once...