Dive with us in Saudi Arabia!
INSTEAD OF SUDAN WE DIVE IN SAUDI ARABIA Your liveaboard in Saudi Arabia, M/Y ANDROMEDA Due to the political climate in Sudan at the moment, we have decided to sail to Saudi Arabia this spring and dive the Farasan Banks which are at the same latitude as the Sudanese dive sites except on the Eastern […]

Sky blue seas, stunning coral reefs basking in thousands of colours, uninhabited islands with white sandy beaches, an endless aquarium as far as the eye can see… It’s a postcard dream… This is Egypt… Relax and spend a week on a 5* diving safari in nature, with no distractions. Following the family safari season this […]

Családi hajóstúrák
Kedves Búváraink! Életre szóló élmény az egész családnak! Nyaraljatok együtt lakóhajónkon a Vörös-tengeren 1 hetes családi túráinkon! Évek óta csináljuk ezeket a túrákat nyáron. Egyre nagyobb rá az igény, mert a családi állapotunk, élethelyzetünk megváltozott. Nem akarunk már egyedül búvártúrára menni. Szeretnénk bevonni a családjainkat is. Jó nézni, hogy a párunk sem unatkozik és a […]

Egyiptomi hajós szafarik 2021-ben
Kedves Búváraink! Idén is szeretettel várjuk a merülni vágyókat az Andromedára. Igyekeztünk változatos túraútvonalakkal készülni nektek, hogy mindenki megtalálja a számára megfelelőt. Feketeöves búvárainknak a déli merülőhelyeket javasoljuk. A kicsit tapasztalatlanabbaknak az északi útvonalat. Hajós szafarik dátuma: 2021. február 20-27. (Déli túra) – Kifutott 2021. május 29. június 5. (Északi túra) – Kifutott 2021. június […]

DATES ———– June, July, August Sunday-Sunday schedule TRAVEL ———– Fly to Hurghada. You will be transferred to the boat in the marina (about a 10-minute ride). Andromeda is anchored in the New Marina and this is where you will embark on Sunday. You will spend the night onboard in the marina, and will be […]

Liveaboard trips in Sudan (2020.)
In Sudan you will find a wonderful ecosystem, wrecks alive with abundant marine life, and coral reefs that today are part of the world’s most species-rich living systems. Its waters are teeming with hammerhead and reef sharks, dolphins, turtles, barracuda and jackfish, just to name a few! Diving in the Sudanese Red Sea is an […]

All you need to know about diving in Sudan
The word “Sudan” is often enough to ward off visitors, who are relatively scarce in numbers, to a country whose name conjures up such a scary image. Yet, who does travel here, will surely experience one of the greatest journeys of their lives, and with reason. Prior to 2011, Sudan was the largest country in […]

9+1 amazing sharks of the Red Sea
Over half of the Earth’s surface is covered by water and there is only one place that is not really paralleled by any other, and that is the Red Sea, hidden between vast land strips of scorching sand. Who would imagine that a prolific and vibrant marine life thrives beneath the surface of the sea, […]

Most of us started diving in our 20s, and we were mesmerised by the sea. We were voracious students, taking in all the sites, and we could hardly wait for the next time we would go diving. And once we were there again, we just wanted to get as many dives in as humanly possible. […]

Cousteau’s favourite dive sites (2019 appointments)
Many dive sites close to Cousteau’s own heart had since become world-renowned. But which were the great explorer’s top 10 favourites? Shaab Rumi, Sudan Sipadan, Malaysia Cocos Island, Costa Rica Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand Aliwal Shoal, South Africa Vancouver Island, Canada Blue Hole, Belize Cozumel, Mexico Heron Island, Australia Richelieu Rock, Thailand It is […]