Stop Shark Finning!
Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark’s fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea.
Please HELP to stop shark finning and keep sharks in the sea! Spread this message on the web!
This Yemeni fishing boat has been spotted in the southern Egyptian Red Sea, de-finning sharks! Please report any sighting of this vessel immediately!
Shark de-finning and fishing are criminal offences, prohibited and punishable by law in the Red Sea, in accordance to regulations set by the Governor of the Red Sea and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries in 2006. This vessel has also violated international and Egyptian law by by transgressing into Egyptian waters.
The fishing vessel was observed at Zabargad and Brothers Islands by several diving safari boats, it was last observed near St. John’s at N 23° 24.945′ E 035° 59.282′ It is believed to still be in the area.
Do not approach the boat! Document any activity using photography or video and contact us immeddiately.
This is the time to collectively work together to end a direct threat on our ecosystem and the livelihoods of those who depend on the Red Sea.
Please report any sighting immeddiately via:
HEPCA Office: (+2) 065 344 5035, 065 344 7728
HEPCA Mobile: (+2) 010 635 5011
E-mail: info@hepca.com
VHF Channel: 16