Being prepared is always the best start!

21 Dec 2012

As of January this year, all our guests must submit to us their diving insurance company name and policy number before the start of their trip. No need to think of the worst. It is enough just to contemplate the possible financial losses you can incur. Health hazards can come at a hefty price tag. Think about the costs of using a hyperbaric chamber in Egypt, for example, as a result of a diving accident or other medical condition and/or the costs of follow-up treatments in your home country!

Diving insurance covers risks usually not found in regular insurance packages. Most diving insurance packages cover the costs of your sports equipment, technical devices and diving-related treatments.

Diving insurance usually covers:

  • Scuba diving with or without diving depth limits (including closed or partially closed circuit systems as well).
  • Hyperbaric chamber treatments even in your home country after returning from abroad.
  • Diving equipment, theft. (Some policies also include technical devices.)

The price difference between packages in most cases is insignificant, especially when compared to the price of a diving tour.

If anything does happen to you, it should manifest itself within 24 hours from your last dive, in which case you must see a doctor immediately. You may not be physically able to do this or to contact your insurance company yourself. In such cases all information must be provided to the insurance company and this is where we come in.

We can contact the company immediately with the individual’s insurance policy details which had been previously provided to us and start the proceedings right away.

Being prepared is always the best start.

Views: 3743
Author: Livia (Volgyesi) Hertelendy