10 tips for newly certified scuba divers
As freshly “graduated” divers, we finally receive our certification that lets us purchase dive packages at any diving centre around the world. We excitedly begin planning and we get the first slap

Water pipe – the latest craze in Europe (too)!
The history of the water pipe in Europe can be followed quite easily; it all started in Egypt where every traveller just had to try it then they took it home with them as souvenirs.

5 reasons to dive in Sudan!
Get far enough south in the Red Sea and you won’t see other safari boats, liveaboards, or overdived reefs – just marine life, and lots of it! Sudan is known as the gem of the Red Sea and with reason!

The super models of 2016 in Egypt
The one we cannot pass up this season and the one that had produced the most attraction this summer is Egypt’s Brothers and Daedalus National Park. This summer

Family boat holiday in Egypt
You don’t have to forgo your beloved diving safaris after having started a family and no need to feel guilty when going diving and leaving your family behind! The solution? Bring them along!

Family vacation in the Red Sea!
The variety of programs is endless. To start with, we take a bit of a different route than usual by starting to head north and stopping at uninhabited islands and lagoons where the water is shallow and perfect for children to enjoy as well.

Inspirations from the sea
There is no life without colours. A plump ruby red cherry, a bright green meadow full of magnificent flowers or a the colours of the azure blue sea, do not only delight our eyes but reinforce our want for life.

The secret to a perfect selfie under water
If you tried to take a professional-looking selfie under water with a mobile phone, that would be like attempting the Tour de France with a city bike – success would not be guaranteed.

What does the average scuba diver physique look like?
At first, we should examine the anatomy and physiology of marine mammals. Let’s take the seal, for example, who is small but ample yet is still agile and comfortable in the water.

Things you do NOT want to hear on a diving safari!
We have collected the most memorable lines we had encountered during our diving safaris and we are still talking about. The list is not even close to being complete, so feel free to add to it by writing a comment.