Guadalupe Island, Mexico Guadalupe is a volcanic island in Mexico, about 240km west of the Baja California Peninsula. The island’s population is just over 200, and that includes fishermen, some farmers and navy personnel. One of the most prevalent animals of the island are seals. Their population counts over 10,000 individually registered animals. The island’s […]

10 tips for newly certified scuba divers
As freshly “graduated” divers, we finally receive our certification that lets us purchase dive packages at any diving centre around the world. We excitedly begin planning and we get the first slap

Plan your next family summer beach holiday with us onboard nothing less than a 500m2 safari boat with 4 decks, offering all-encompassing services. Join us in the wonderful Red Sea and spend your family holiday on uninhabited islands with white sandy beaches and onboard a luxury boat in the turquoise waters. An unforgettable experience, all-inclusive services at super prices!

5 reasons to dive in Sudan!
Get far enough south in the Red Sea and you won’t see other safari boats, liveaboards, or overdived reefs – just marine life, and lots of it! Sudan is known as the gem of the Red Sea and with reason!

The super models of 2016 in Egypt
The one we cannot pass up this season and the one that had produced the most attraction this summer is Egypt’s Brothers and Daedalus National Park. This summer

Family boat holiday in Egypt
You don’t have to forgo your beloved diving safaris after having started a family and no need to feel guilty when going diving and leaving your family behind! The solution? Bring them along!

Family vacation in the Red Sea!
The variety of programs is endless. To start with, we take a bit of a different route than usual by starting to head north and stopping at uninhabited islands and lagoons where the water is shallow and perfect for children to enjoy as well.

Interesting facts about scuba diving in Sudan!
100% guaranteed that Sudan is one of the few places left in the world that remains pristine untouched by man.

Kite surfing and diving safari in the Red Sea!
The Red Sea is the stomping ground of kite and wind surfers and divers alike. Why? Because it provides a smooth transition between the various extreme sports.

10 things to take with you on your next diving safari!
What not to leave at home? It’s a classic story of turning back from the airport because you left your passport at home. However this time we are not focusing on the regular “to do list” before you travel