Shaab Suedi in Sudan
23 Feb 2015

Blu Sudan

The best diving in the Red Sea is found in the Sudan. From amazing war wrecks like the Umbria Wreck, the underwater village of Cousteau’s Conshelf II, to vibrant, charm, magic reefs teeming with life such as Sanganeb Reef, or Angarosh Sudan is an exceptional location. Only few visiting boats, and uncrowded, unique and fascinating dive sites with great shark life…these are just some of the features to look forward to.  The true scuba adventure starts in Sudan!

What is GUARANTEED in the spring?
Hammerhead, reef and grey reef sharks, hump-head parrotfish, dolphins, not to mention gigantic schools of barracuda and the ever-pulsing reef life.

Angarosh reef sudan
The reef of Angarosh

The world’s best dive sites in one place!
We think the most ADVENTUROUS dive sites can be found in Sudan. If you feel differently, feel free to comment here. And you can experience all this still at reasonable rates.

  • Legends come to life: Hans Hass’s dives with sharks, Cousteau’s underwater world
  • Reefs swarming with sharks: Shaab Rumi, Angarosh
  • World-famous wreck: Umbria, lying in her watery grave
  • Sea of soft corals in thousands of magnificent colours
shark in Sudan
Home of sharks

There is a great chance to see hammerheads during the spring season (also in May) in Sudan! Check out our weekly reports from the past years here…

The most famous reefs about it’s sharks are: Angarosh, Shaab Rumi, Shaab Ambar and Jibna. On these places more or less we can talk about 30+ hammerheads in one time. Last year we had 50+ at Jibna.

Fishes in Sudan
Schoals of fish

Shoals of fish in SudanOur actual accomplishments:

  • We have provided diving services to 2,500 satisfied customers
  • from 23 different countries
  • from 4 continents
  • in the past 7 seasons in Sudan
  • during a total of 112 tours and …
  • … 99.5% of the customers would kindly recommend our services to their friends and would return any time.
Barracudas in Sudan
Home of barracudas

Something new for our advanced guests!
No need to travel to the other side of the world to discover something new underwater. Sudan is still fresh and UNTOUCHED!

Sea turtles in Sudan
Home of turtles

We arrange everything!
We take care of your Sudanese visa, permissions and taxes. If you fly to Port Sudan via Cairo, we arrange your Port Sudan flights, hotel accommodations and transfers, and provide airport assistance for you. In Port Sudan we provide you airport assistance and transfers between the airport and the boat.
You may also fly to Port Sudan via Dubai and you may also add a couple of days of sightseeing in Dubai to your holidays.

Dolphins in Sudan
Home of dolphins

You are safe!
Port Sudan is a safe area within Sudan. You are only a 20-minute bus ride from the airport to the boat in the Port Sudan marina. The areas with hot spots are more than 3,000km from Port Sudan. Our captains’, guides’ and crew’s constant presence, and high level of experience and professionalism is always guaranteed. And your safety is further ensured during diving by the diver search and locate security system onboard both our boats.

Shaab Suedi in Sudan
The reef of Shaab Suedi

Blu Sudan is one of the World’s Best Dive Site! Where the Nature Embraces…

Enquire NOW!

Views: 7149
Author: Livia (Volgyesi) Hertelendy