Our Sudan fall season has officially started!
Great anticipation preceded our first week in Sudan this fall especially since this was going to be our first week-long Deep South tour in Sudan in the fall. We have travelled this itinerary in the spring many times and we were curious what it was going to be like down south close to the Eritrean border a few months later. What can we expect? What can we see? What is the weather like? How is the visibility? How warm of a sea can we jump into?
Air temperature: average 36C
Water temperature: 30-31C all the way to 40m
Visibility: varying from moderate to excellent
Tour dates: October 6-13, 2014
Itinerary: Sudan – Deep South
Boat: Andromeda
Mantas, even in groups, are a common sight, especially in the Northern region. But the South is not lagging behind either. 🙂 We were met by a world of gorgeous corals and insanely rich marine life. At the end of the dives, we almost had to force the divers out of the water!
Oh, and since this is a true expedition and discovery tour, true to it, we have discovered a brand new site – Farsa Andromeda! 🙂
The schools of dolphins escorting our boat, sharks, brilliantly coloured corals, schools of fish packed by the hundreds in each school, magical sunsets, endless tranquility and smooth waters helped everybody soon forget the rush of civilization left behind.
The group this week was just as colourful and vibrant as the sights below the water but the week was spent in perfect and jolly harmony. Thank you for diving with us!
After a couple of our guests had planned on staying in Sudan after the safari and doing some sightseeing, we must emphasize that the Sudanese visa we issue you is valid
– only for the Red Sea State which is the Port Sudan area and
– only for the duration of the safari.
This visa is not valid for any areas outside of Port Sudan or for any periods before or after the safari.
In case someone wishes to do further travelling in Sudan outside of the safari period, please inform us about these plans in advance. In this case, the visa would have to be acquired from the local Sudanese Embassy.
1. Shaab Ambar lagoon – check dive
2. Shaab Ambar South
3. Night Dive
1. Dahrat Abid
2. Dahrat Abid
3. Darraka
4. Darraka – night dive
1. Habili Dahrat Abid
2. Quab Miyum
3. Habili Dahrat Abid
1. Dibsel
2. Dibsel
3. Protector
1. Protector
2. Farsa Andromeda (a new site we have discovered! 5*)
3. Jibna
4. Umbria – night dive
1. Umbria
2. Umbria