SUDAN – Deep South Tour
The 2-week Deep South tour is perfect for those who have already been to Sudan and wish to see even more and for those who would like to be part of a true adventure.
Being prepared is always the best start!
As of January this year, all our guests must submit to us their diving insurance company name and policy number before the start of their trip. No need to think of the worst. It is enough just to contemplate the possible financial losses you can incur. Health hazards can come at a hefty price tag. Think about the costs of using a hyperbaric chamber in Egypt, for example, as a result of a diving accident or other medical condition and/or the costs of follow-up treatments in your home country!

The time has come in our company’s life when we can celebrate a milestone! A lot has changed since the beginnings… Red Sea Boats Holidays started its journey down a path in the first years of the 2000s as the vision of a young and relentless small team, that we believe it is still journeying on.

Fall season trends
This fall (as we have written several times on our Facebook page) 6-7 longimanus were swimming week after week at Elphinstone. They were circling above divers as good herding dogs would, they were breathing down divers’ necks even at the deco stops.

The Red Sea in summer
I am surrounded by sparkling sky-blue sea, softly caressing breeze, infinite tranquility and serene silence as I am sitting in front of the captain’s bridge. Meanwhile the large boat glides from one coral reef to another and I can hardly wait to dive! Until now I have been travelling to the Red Sea for safaris only in the spring and late fall when you could already use a sweater between dives and sometimes a hat too to warm your ears.
16 weeks of diving in Sudan
Sudan has proven to be once more one of the unsurpassed gems of the Red Sea for scuba divers with its unique underwater sites, friendly atmosphere and superb climate.

Stop Shark Finning!
Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of hacking off the shark's fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea.

The wreck of Umbria in Sudan
The wreck of UMBRIA, an old italian freighter that provided war material for the italian troops in Eritrea in 1940. When the British entered the vessel, the Captain decided to sink his own ship. Now it´s a terrific place for scuba diving.

Scuba Diving Holiday in the Red Sea
A week at sea, gently rocking with the boat, sailing among small islands. Skyblue sea as far as the eye can see, sunrays caress your skin, you read a book, listen to your iPod

Diving at Shaab Maksour
This horseshoe-shaped reef lies in open water to the northeast of Ras Banas. The eastern side of the reef has a steeply sloping wall profile, giving way to a sandy slope scattered with coral heads